Hamilton Golf Club is not responsible for providing adult supervision of children, except for formal junior golf coaching, matches or competitions.
Junior Competitions are generally held on Saturday afternoons throughout the playing season. To ensure children / young people are not on the course at dusk, the competitons in April and September will be played over 9 holes.
At all times when Junior Competitions are held, the following must apply :
* Parents / carers must ensure Junior golfers are transported safely to and from the course
* Junior Golfers must sign in and out on the register in the Pro Shop. This register will be held in the Spike Bar when the Pro Shop is closed.
* The Junior Captain, or a designated deputy, must check the register to ensure all golfers have returned to the Clubhouse.
* In the event of any Junior Golfer being unaccounted for at the end of the competition, the Junior Captain must notify the Club Captain or any Club Official.